dimanche 29 juillet 2012

The late symptoms of kidney failure

What are the late symptoms of kidney failure? Know how knowledge is very important, and renal failure can not easily be found, patients find themselves suffering from renal failure in a casual examination, but has come to late, that late renal failure symptoms what is it? We know that renal failure patients in advanced stage, will be severely affected by the patient, and only the timely detection of disease, proper treatment and prevention in order to better away from renal failure in patients with injury. The late symptoms of kidney failure are mainly the following points:

1, in patients with dehydration or edema, the concentrated urine of renal failure patients with renal function was reduced, resulting in polyuria, nocturia, combined with patients with anorexia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, Guchang exacerbated due to dehydration; the other hand, kidney drainage poor, drinking water will lead to water retention in the body, resulting in edema. Therefore, proper water supply has become an important measure of kidney failure.

2, anemia, kidney failure patients must have symptoms, kidney patients erythropoietin reduce the retention of the metabolites to inhibit the generation of red blood cells and damage the red cell membrane, it shortened life expectancy, the toxic substances present in the blood inhibit the activity of erythropoietin renal failure in patients with anorexia, diarrhea, bleeding easily lead to iron deficiency, folate deficiency and protein deficiency, in addition to the loss of protein in the urine is caused by an important cause of anemia.

3, the performance of the gastrointestinal tract, renal failure the earliest and most common symptoms. Anorexia, abdominal discomfort in the early and later nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth smell of urine and oral mucosal ulceration, and even heavy bleeding and other symptoms associated with the digestive tract. Reason to cause gastrointestinal symptoms, the in vivo retention of toxic substances to cause some damage to the nervous system, coupled with the increase in the amount of urea excreted from the digestive tract, the role of bacteria or intestinal hydrolase to produce ammonium carbonate and ammonia, to stimulate the gastrointestinal mucous membranes, causing gastrointestinal dysfunction and varying degrees of mucosal inflammation and ulcers. In addition, water, electrolyte and acid-base balance is caused by a cause of gastrointestinal symptoms.

4, listlessness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, accompanied by limb numbness, hand, foot and burning, itching, to be constantly on the move, not repose. The late emergence of the symptoms of lethargy, irritability, delirium, muscle trembling, twitching, convulsions, and coma. Caused by mental, neurological symptoms of the reason is that the metabolite retention, water, electrolyte imbalance, metabolic acidosis, and hypertension result of factors working together.

5, patients with renal failure the body's immune function decreased resistance to infection is poor, very easily lead to secondary infection, a common lung and urinary tract infections, and infections occur often without significant systemic reactions, special attention should be signs of lung and urine change.

These are the advanced symptoms of renal failure is what introduced by understanding I believe you have a certain understanding of symptoms, early detection, early treatment and regular kidney hospital for treatment, will make the patient's best improved, although renal failure is the kind of hard to be found in disease, However, any kind of disease, as long as the disease, it has the root causes, as long as we carefully observe it, it will be harvested. If you have any questions, you can consult with our experts online.
Late symptoms for kidney failure is it? Renal failure Tips! Diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food with chronic renal failure, uremic patients gastrointestinal mucosa often has congestion, erosion status, pepper, white wine, such as eating spicy food, often add to the erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing the blood vessels of the stomach lining bleeding.

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